
Wednesday, 11 December 2013


Fast Food Leads To Obesity

      During this era of globalization, the increasing number of cases of obesity has made it into a wholly grown social problem. Young adults and teenagers are reported to have the highest percentage among the group ages. This is contributed by this fast and hard lifestyle where everything is done in a rush to compete with the surrounding flow of information and advance technology in this time.
      The role of the media is frequently recorded as one of the causes for the rise of obesity in society (Boyce, 2006). Advertising is widely held to encourage unhealthy consumption. Most research in this field observes childhood consumption of advertisements, as food is the most frequently advertised product on children’s television. As we can see, foods which are highlighted in television fiction are most often low-nutrient drinks (coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks) besides snacks (usually sweets or salty). Hence, children may prefer to take these unhealthy foods instead of fruits and vegetables which contain vitamins needed for their body development.
      Whatever the factor is, obesity is truly treacherous and has serious consequences. It may lead to stress, lethargy, liver, bone, respiratory problems, stroke, heart diseases, blood pressure, some types of cancers and also premature death. Obesity is worse when a child experienced it in an early age it affects the evolution into adulthood, emotional problems, forming poor self-esteem, misery and initial puberty.
      In Southeast Asia, a region still is grappling with the challenges of malnutrition. Malaysia has gotten the shameful title of the region’s fattest nation, and the sixth most obese country in Asia (Passi, 2013). Between 2006 until 2011 the country recorded a 14% rise in obesity among people aged 18 and above, counting 2.6 million obese adults in the country by 2011. Moreover, surveys made by the Ministry of Health in April 2012 revealed that just over a quarter of Malaysian school children were obese or overweight.
       What you eat is what you are, thus it is up to us how we manage our everyday daily meal. Follow the food pyramid as our guide besides exercising constantly to maintain a healthy soul, mind and body. Consume plenty of water; eat a lot of fruits and vegetables instead of carbonate drink and junk foods. Avoid bad habits from controlling ourselves and always note to self; say no to obesity and say yes to lengthy life, happiness and physical fitness. Let’s!

Wednesday, 13 November 2013


Is it Necesssary?

              ‘Human Rights' refers to the fundamental rights and freedom enjoyed by human beings, mainly dealing with individual rights and responsibilities. The traditionally inherited concept of human rights has a long historical background. Human rights are necessary but how far it can be? Is there any limitation? Well, the answer may be yes because today’s world is far dangerous in context of violation and crime.
            In Malaysia, the controversy over the Gobal’s death of a suspect in police custody has become public concern. The incident has made chaos among the Indians what is a being seen as police victimization and discrimination against the community. As reported, generally we can blindly decide that the police have to be blamed on this incident. His family claimed that photographs of Gobal’s body taken showed a number of bruises and cuts were evidences towards his death.
            Based on the story, we can judge. But if we look from other perspectives, Gobal is actually a criminal. The police officers actually have evidences that he is involving in several crimes including stealing cars and rapes. There was also syndicate behind Gobal. The action taken by the police department to detain and investigate his crime is necessary. We are not talking about small crime but heavy crime does need further investigation. Think logically, if the police asked the criminals politely, are they will answer the question? For sure, they are not!
            I do agree by torturing the criminals are necessary to ensure the cases or crimes will solve faster. They are ethics and rules that are needed for the police to follow to investigate the suspect. It is impossible that the police had not to take action against him because he is absolutely did crime. You would not take action against someone unless he is guilty and so did the police action towards Gobal. They did what they had to do.


            Can you just imagine a world without police? Take in the events of mass killings, mass rapes, mass robberies and mass anarchy, and I had to say that they are needed to protect us. They spend many hours away from their family to help us. They will face those criminals with nothing to gain when they have everything to lose. It may be their last, hoping and praying that their families will see them again. Be grateful to our police officers. #

Wednesday, 6 November 2013


Positive or Negative?

       The Internet is probably one of the greatest, most powerful, and most useful tool to be invented perhaps of the entire universe. People live into it and seriously they are never stop from using it in every single thing in their life. Is that the internet has had an overall positive effects in our society. Well, the answer is arguable. Based on the article from entitled Cyber Balkanization: Distraction to the Essence of 1 Malaysia, it is clearly showed that the internet has plays a major role in society but in certain circumstances the effects are massive to us.
          The internet is a database full of information and offers us a lot of services, sometimes for free. By using search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing people can access up to millions of information. This can be very comfortable. People only have to type in a word and you will find everything about it. But, there is also false information shared to spread rumours and hatred. Frankly speaking, sometimes it is hard to distinguish between true and false information.
            The internet itself has unique characteristic. It eliminates barriers of space and time, let the information flows quicker and is more accessible to all and interpersonal communication is more evolved. However, the internet is also anonymous, without supervision, freedom of speech is exploited, minors and other web users are exploited, racism and prejudice are encouraged. Latest data from the Pew Research Center ( show that 40 percent of information is obtained through the Internet and 35 percent through traditional media.
        The Internet offers all sorts of possibilities of publication and expression, not just to journalists and public figures, but also to those who did not have that opportunity before which is the ordinary people. Forums on web portals have also become very popular and represent an irreplaceable place for exchange of information, discussion, asking various questions, as well as commenting one’s opinion on all kinds of events and trends in society. As an example, the issue of people updating status on Facebook to threat particular person as happened to Indra Putra, Kelantan player recently. Some people might say it is a joke but for some reason it will be a big threat to the images and personality especially if the person is a celebrity or politician.

            As far as our concern, I emphasized that the web is like a new world that has yet to determine its own boundaries. As such, it poses new challenges, both moral and ideological, which cannot be met based on past experience as this phenomenon is still too new and uncharted. We must do the utmost to be watch about making the Internet as safe as possible even when this new frontier is constantly shifting and evolving. People has to find strength in determination to create a responsible web or internet community in which freedom of speech will not be abused to hurt the individual rights of each and every human being to life, respect, reputation and privacy. #

Wednesday, 30 October 2013


News Of The Future?

Is there any possibility for everyone to be a journalist? Watch this video and tell me your opinions. :)


Mahasiswa Kreatif, Kompetitif dan Komprehensif

Jika disingkap kehidupan sebagai seorang mahasiswa, pasti ramai yang menyatakan bahawa peranan dalam memikul tanggungjawab sebagai penuntut ilmu bukan satu tugas yang mudah. Pelbagai cabaran dan dugaan harus dihadapi dengan tabah demi menggalas cita- cita dan harapan ayah dan bonda.
Meskipun berdepan dengan pelbagai rintangan, mahasiswa kini perlu berjiwa kental dalam mengharungi apa jua kesukaran dari segi fizikal mahupun mental kerana mahasiswa adalah tonggak kepada pembinaan sebuah masyarakat yang berkualiti dan berwawasan.
Setelah lebih 55 tahun menghirup udara kemerdekaan, mahasiswa yang merupakan bakal tunjang negara semakin matang dalam tindakan mahupun pemikiran. Ternyata, mahasiswa di negara ini telah mengalami anjakan paradigma yang selaras dengan arus pembangunan intelek dan teknologi.
Bergerak ke arah dunia globalisasi hari ini, pentadbiran sesebuah negara dalam menuju wawasan masa depan memerlukan pemuda terutamanya golongan mahasiswa yang berdaya saing, intelektual tinggi, kreatif dan inovatif.
Demi memastikan tercetusnya sebuah negara yang hebat dan maju memerlukan masyarakat hari ini lebih berani untuk tampil dengan pelbagai idea yang lebih baru dan segar.
Menurut kata mutiara saujana, “ Jika mahu melihat masa hadapan sesebuah negara, lihatlah remajanya pada masa ini”. Presiden Soekarno juga pernah mengungkap, “”Berteman seribu orang pemuda yang gagah, aku mampu memecahkan Gunung Semeru namun dengan hanya sepuluh orang pemuda yang bersifat kreatif dan inovatif aku mampu menggoncang dunia”.  Jelaslah bahawa, kepimpinan generasi muda yang berkualiti dapat memperkasakan kegemilangan nusa dan bangsa dalam menerajui negara.
Jika dilihat dari sudut kreativiti dan inovasi pula, mahasiwa kini mampu membawa satu arus perubahan baru dalam melaksanakan visi dan misi yang digalas selaras dengan arus kemodenan negara. Aktiviti yang disertai seperti kelab dan persatuan di universiti mahupun di peringkat global berjaya menarik minat mahasiswa untuk memperkenalkan dan berkongsi idea dalam menyelesaikan sesuatu maslahat.
Justeru, dengan adanya penglibatan aktif mahasiswa dalam program yang dianjurkan sudah pasti akan mewujudkan masyarakat yang lebih berfikiran kreatif dan mempunyai daya imaginasi yang tinggi dek kerana akal yang sentiasa aktif dalam mengutarakan pemikiran yang bernas.
Ketandusan idea dan kekeringan ilham dalam menyelesaikan kemelut yang dihadapi merupakan satu ‘malapetaka’ kepada sesebuah negara. Pelbagai masalah tidak dapat diselesaikan sekiranya minda pemimpin atau mahasiswa tersekat dan tidak berkembang. Hasilnya, pentadbiran negara akan lumpuh seterusnya membawa kepada keruntuhan negara dan bangsa.
Pembentukan mahasiswa yang kompetitif dan berkualiti adalah tidak mustahil akan tetapi ianya bukan satu perkara yang mudah untuk digapai. Dengan kemajuan ekonomi dan teknologi yang semakin pesat, mahasiswa seolah-olah mudah hanyut di buai mimpi dan angan-angan kosong. Mentaliti mahasiswa yang semakin layu akan mendatangkan implikasi buruk kepada negara.
Untuk terus ‘berdiri sama tinggi dan duduk sama rendah” dengan negara maju, mahasiswa Malaysia seharusnya dipupuk dengan semangat berdaya saing dan kompetitif. Wadah ini merupakan pilihan yang terbaik dalam memastikan transformasi negara menemui titik realiti.
Program yang dianjurkan di peringkat universiti mahupun antarabangsa mampu melahirkan mahasiswa holistik berpaksikan hala tuju negara. Melibatkan diri dalam program sebegini merupakan satu perkara yang mudah yang boleh dilakukan oleh semua individu. Dengan satu azam dan keyakinan, mahasiswa mampu mengubah dunia.
Mahasiswa yang mempunyai fikiran yang matang jauh ke hadapan terhadap diri mahupun orang lain bukan sekadar dapat meningkatkan daya intelektual, menambahkan ilmu pengetahuan dan meningkatkan martabat diri seseorang tetapi salah satu implikasi positif daripada pemikiran ini ialah membantu seseorang itu untuk membezakan yang baik dan buruk. Kebijaksanaan dalam membuat perbandingan adalah perlu bagi seseorang mahasiswa untuk mengecap kehidupan yang lebih baik.
Kesilapan ketika percaturan dalam sesuatu keputusan terhadap diri sendiri dan orang lain akan mengundang ke arah perkara yang negatif. Melalui perwatakan yang positif dan komprehensif membantu mahasiswa untuk membuat penilaian melalui pemikiran yang lebih terbuka dan kritis sewaktu menghadapi krisis.
Tuntasnya, dalam dunia hari ini menuntut segenap lapisan masyarakat terutamanya golongan  mahasiswa untuk mempersiapkan diri mereka dengan kepelbagaian ilmu supaya tidak ketinggalan dari persaingan. Pemupukan generasi mahasiswa yang kreatif, kompetitif dan komprehensif harus diteruskan dengan lebih agresif di peringkat universiti dan antarabangsa supaya pendedahan demi pendedahan mengenai arus dunia ini dapat dipelajari seiring dengan visi dan misi negara Malaysia.  #

Tuesday, 29 October 2013


"Let Go"

To "let go" does not mean to stop caring. It means I can't do it for someone else.
To "let go" is not to cut myself off. It's the realization that I can't control another.
To "let go" is to admit powerlessness, which means the outcome is not in my hands, but in God's.
To "let go" is not to try to change or blame another. It's to make the most possible out of myself.
To "let go" is not to care for, but care about.
To "let go" is not to fix, but to be supportive.
To "let go" is not to judge, but to allow another to be a human being, as we all are.
To "let go" is not to be in the middle, arranging all the outcomes, but to allow others to affect their own destinies.
To "let go" is not to deny, but to accept.
To "let go" is not to nag, scold, fuss, or argue; but instead to search out my own shortcomings and correct them.
To "let go" is not to adjust everything to my desires, but to take each day as it comes and cherish myself in it.
To "let go" is not to regret the past, but to live for today and grow for the future.
To "let go" is to fear less and to love more.



Commentary Towards Online Journalism

              In today’s world, everything happened is shared throughout the internet especially on the social media and weblogs. This phenomenon has become crucial and people tend to make it more complicated and worse. It is beyond boundaries for the each individual to prevent the action of the certain parties. People are becoming more aware on every tiny or unnecessary things happened around us. Any gain interest action such as fighting, accident, and other social illness, is uploaded into the weblogs and social media.
          Online journalism has become part of the society. People tend to choose the social media as the medium to spread words, defamation, hatred and even planning on the riot as happened in United Kingdom. If we look into, there are plenty benefits of online journalism especially on solving or reporting the crimes, but at the same time the implications from it slowly damaging the reputation and image of the victim. People judge and sometimes misjudged that made the situation getting really bad.
          As an example, based on the video that has been presented, the issue is about an accident happened between two cars. Certain people might said that the Chinese guy who brought the baseball bat is provoking first while the others said another man who steals the baseball bat is the person to blame. Some are related it with the racism statement because both parties are Chinese. At last, both of them are fighting for no reason and the implications towards the society on turn into racism and hatred as well as representing Malaysia is an uncivilized country.
          Thousands of advantages of online journalism but there are also thousands of reasons that can make the situation worse. Media literacy and high thinking order skills is essential in preventing and making us to become better community and nation. It starts from each individual. Journalism is growing and it is inevitable as the internet continues to broaden the way beyond our expectation. The developments of journalism and spread of internet has created a new away of experience and opportunities for people to express themselves. #


The Dangerous Stance of Internet Materials

           Pornography, sexual harassment, violence, vandalism, social problem nowadays is highly related with the internet. People especially kids who are below 18 years are totally exposed with it without any boundary. As we live today, people are more relying on the internet especially through social media and blogs for them to get the information as well as entertainment. It has become more serious than we can imagine. Recently, there was a news reported about a 12 year old girl has been raped by eight boys of each them are between 12 to 14 years old. This is clearly shown that the influence of easy access to the pornographic from the internet has affected the younger generation into the crime.
            Other than that, information retrieved from the internet is extremely unreliable in certain circumstances. The internet can manipulate the audiences and readers to believe on what has been told through the blogs and social media. They tend to rely on the information from internet rather than check where the sources came from. Most of the people cannot differentiate between the good and bad which leads into gathering, riot, violence and others.
            Internet does not have to be avoided completely. The more they are aware of the potential threat and dangers, the more protection people having against it. Social media or the internet is one of the best sources for information and social interaction, and to ignore it would isolate people from social communication where else there are plenty of advantages from it. People have to think critically on each of the information shared through the internet in making the right decision. Parents, schools, teenagers and others have to take it as a serious matter for the better future. Ask ourselves, how this will affect us in 10 years from now? Precaution is better than cure! #